Ever have those days where you wake up tired? Those days always seem to be when we want to eat all the sugar and hide in our little bubbles until we can sleep for five days straight.
Those days used to take up the bulk of my life, and I always felt low and unmotivated.
After changing just a few daily habits, I realized that I began changing my attitude and mindset toward life. Over time, I started feeling happier, healthier and more energized throughout the day.
Getting healthy isn’t always about going on a diet or drastically changing how you eat and move. Sometimes you need to slow down and begin creating healthier habits.
When I changed my lifestyle, there were three things I benefited from the most. Three simple habits that I knew I could work on and feel good when I achieved them.
Drink Water
This habit seems useless in the grand scheme of health, but it's one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Increased water can prevent dehydration, help you feel fuller longer, and help your digestive system work properly.
Here are some of my favorite ways to start increasing water intake:
Track your water intake for two days
Drink 8 more ounces of water than what you tracked
Set a water timer on your phone to drink water every hour
Recruit an accountability partner to encourage you
Buy a fun water bottle you enjoy drinking from
Don’t drink anything but water until you have reached your water intake goal
Aim for drinking half your body weight in ounces of water each day
Keep water with you at all times
Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning
Coffee doesn’t count as water intake
Admittedly, this is one I struggle with from time to time. Before I had kids, I was a great sleeper. When that mom-life hit, sleep went away. I had to adjust and incorporate some tricks to help me sleep, as well as possible. Here are a few strategies that can help improve your sleep.
Set Bedtimes
Shut off screens 30 minutes before bed
Create a bedtime routine that relaxes you. (Bath, reading, cleaning up the house)
Create a relaxing sleep environment. (Clean room, cooler temperatures, dark and quiet)
Wake up with sunshine and fresh air
Limit caffeine and sugar intake after 1:00 pm
Take Naps when possible
Write a to-do list before going to bed so that your brain can shut off easily
Put your phone on airplane mode or move it to another room
Practice waking up without alarms on your day off
Practice Gratitude
Don’t skip this daily habit because this is where you create a growth mindset. Gratitude is not something that comes naturally for us every day. In fact, many times we are so focused on the negativity surrounding us that we can’t find the good. The world needs positive influences, especially in this season. This habit will help you see the beauty and good in your life.
Buy a journal and keep it by your bed
Take a few minutes to reflect on your day and write down what went well
Start your day with intentions, what do you want to accomplish
Do something kind for someone else
Surround yourself with positive people
Turn off the news and media that makes you feel negative
Read your gratitude journal to remember how blessed you are
Get into nature
Practice meditation and spend time in a quiet space
Get into your community and spend time doing something to make life better for others
What would happen if you picked one of these habits to work on for 30 days?
What if you gave it a 100% commitment?
What if you experienced more joy and a healthier mindset by making these three habits over time?
We know that simple habits over time create significant results. Get started by applying these three habits now. We cannot wait to hear how it has changed you.